[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:1] [Pages No:52 - 52]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-52 | Open Access | How to cite |
How to site this article: Subba Reddy VV. Director's Message. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 52
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:1] [Pages No:53 - 53]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-53 | Open Access | How to cite |
How to site this article: Vasundhara S. President's Message. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 53
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:1] [Pages No:54 - 54]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-54 | Open Access | How to cite |
How to site this article: Vandana K.L. Nagaveni NB. Editors’ Desk. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 03
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:5] [Pages No:55 - 59]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-55 | Open Access | How to cite |
Dental care is the most common unmet health care need of children in India. The study was undertaken to test lecture method for providing oral health education to 12 year old school going children. A sample size of 200 was selected randomly from 6 different schools of Davangere district. Students who were of chronological age of 12 year from the selected schools were included in the study. Before giving lecture aid, the study group IS assessed about their self-implemented oral hygiene practices through questionnaire. The study groups were assessed immediately and 6 months after given lecture aid through a questionnaire which was designed to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of 12 year old school children regarding their oral health. The data thus collected was tabulated, assessed and statistically analyzed using student paired T-test and McNemar test. There was statistically significant (P<0.001) improvement in the knowledge and behavior regarding oral health amongst study group with the overall improvement in correct answers. There was a significant reduction (P<0.001) in the memory among the study group after 6 months of oral hygiene instruction. The lecture method was effective in improving oral hygiene attitudes and skills. After 6 months, there was a significant reduction in memory gained after interventional program which dictates the need for regular reinforcement of educational and motivational programs. Poornima P., Arora S, Neena IE, Shashibhushan KK, Nagaveni NB. An Effectiveness of Oral Health Promotion Program on 12 Year old School Going Children of South Indian Children. CODS J Dent 2015;7:55-59.
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:4] [Pages No:60 - 63]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-60 | Open Access | How to cite |
Vinaya Kumar G, Wadhwani A, Hajira N. Effect of UV disinfection on dimensional stability and infection control of elastomeric impression materials. CODS J Dent 2015;7:60-63.
Bone Grafts in Periodontics-A Review
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:7] [Pages No:64 - 70]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-64 | Open Access | How to cite |
Tatuskar P, Prakash S. Bone Grafts in Periodontics -A Review. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 64-70.
The Nose and its Clinical Implications in Orthodontics: An Overview
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:5] [Pages No:71 - 75]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-71 | Open Access | How to cite |
Manohar MR, Goswami P. The Nose and its Clinical Implications in Orthodontics: An Overview. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 71-75.
Techniques for Interim Rrestorations in Fixed Partial Denture Prosthesis – A Review
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:8] [Pages No:76 - 83]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-76 | Open Access | How to cite |
It is important for the tooth or teeth to be protected and that the patients be kept comfortable while a permanent restoration is being fabricated. By successful management of this phase, the dentist can gain patients confidence and favorably influence the ultimate success of the final restoration. Therefore costly chair side time must not be wasted but the dentist must produce an acceptable restoration. This paper reviews the techniques for custom provisional restorations. How to cite this article: Praveen B, Prasanna B.G, Harsha S, Chandana N. Techniques for Interim Rrestorations in Fixed Partial Denture Prosthesis – A Review. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 76-83.
Hereditary Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa A Rare Case Report
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:3] [Pages No:84 - 86]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-84 | Open Access | How to cite |
Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a diverse group of disorders characterized by blister formation with tissue separation occurring at variable depths in the skin and oral mucosa depending on the specific EB type. Oral tissue fragility and blistering is common to all EB types. However oral debilitation as a result of soft tissue scarring is primarily limited to the recessive dystrophic EB subtypes. Due to extreme mucosal fragility such patients are managed by modified dental care practices. This case report describes a rare case of recessive dystrophic EB. How to cite this article: Neena IE, Sinha S, Poornima P, Pallavi Urs. Hereditary Dystrophic Epidermolysis bullosa- A Rare Case Report. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 84-86
Tuberculosis of Oral Mucosa Mimicking Malignancy: A Case Report
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:3] [Pages No:87 - 89]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-87 | Open Access | How to cite |
Tuberculosis (TB) is an epidemic infectious disease that seldom takes an oral form. Because of the still increased incidence of TB in our country, in the differential diagnosis of chronic oral ulcerations, tuberculosis should always be considered. Oral TB is frequently overlooked as a possible cause of oral ulceration. Therefore dentists should be aware of the possible occurrence of TB of the oral cavity. How to cite this article: Pramod R C, Suresh K V, Sunil L A, Mohan Kumar K P. Tuberculosis of Oral Mucosa Mimicking Malignancy: A Case Report. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 87-89
Non Syndromic Generalised Taurodontism in Primary and Permanent teeth -A Case Report
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:3] [Pages No:90 - 92]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-90 | Open Access | How to cite |
Taurodontism is a rare dental anomaly defined as a change in shape of the tooth caused by the failure of Hertwig's epithelial sheath to invaginate at the proper horizontal level. The characteristic features of this anomaly are an enlarged pulp chamber with apical displacement of the pulpal floor, and no constriction at the level of the Cemento-enamel junction. They occur most frequently as an isolated anomaly or it may be associated with certain syndromes. Permanent dentition is more commonly affected than deciduous dentition, seen unilaterally or bilaterally, and in any combination of teeth or quadrants. This case report describes a case of generalised taurodontism involving all the deciduous molars and permanent molars in a 7 years old male patient. How to cite this article: Bharath .KP, Priya, Poornima .P, Neena I.E. Non Syndromic Generalised Taurodontism in Primary and Permanent teeth -A Case Report. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 90-92
Gingival Stillman's Cleft- Revisited
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:3] [Pages No:93 - 95]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-93 | Open Access | How to cite |
Stillman's clefts are apostrophe shaped indentations extending from and into the gingival margin for varying distances. The etiology of this cleft is still not clear. They may repair spontaneously or persist as surface lesions of deep periodontal pockets that penetrate into the supporting tissues. Here we report a case of stillman's cleft in the mandibular left lateral incisor region treated with de-epithelialisation. How to cite this article: Deepa D , Bhatia G, Srivastava P. Gingival Stillman's Cleft- Revisited. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 93-95.
Treatment regime for crown fractures: Autogenous tooth fragment reattachment – A case series
[Year:2015] [Month:July-December] [Volume:7] [Number:2] [Pages:4] [Pages No:96 - 99]
DOI: 10.5005/cods-7-2-96 | Open Access | How to cite |
Nagaveni N. B, Bajaj M, Lobo N, Poornima P. Treatment regime for crown fractures: Autogenous tooth fragment reattachment - A Case Series. CODS J Dent 2015;7: 96-99.