Cephalometric Evaluation of Alveolar Bone Remodeling following Anterior Teeth Retraction
Darshit Dhanani, G Shivaprakash
Keywords :
Alveolar bone remodeling,Incisor retraction,Labial bone thickness,Lateral cephalograms
Citation Information :
Dhanani D, Shivaprakash G. Cephalometric Evaluation of Alveolar Bone Remodeling following Anterior Teeth Retraction. CODS J Dent 2016; 8 (1):21-24.
To evaluate the extent of the alveolar bone remodeling after incisor retraction using lateral cephalograms.
Materials and methods
Lateral cephalograms of 30 patients with age of 16 years and above requiring therapeutic extraction of both maxillary and mandibular first premolars, mainly for the purpose of retraction of anterior teeth, had been taken at the start of treatment and after retraction of anterior teeth. Various hard tissue anatomical landmarks were traced, and linear parameters of pretreatment (T1) and postretraction (T2) lateral cephalometric radiographs were measured. The mean and standard deviation were calculated, the data were tabulated, and comparison of T1 and T2 readings was made utilizing paired Student’s t-test.
When maxillary incisors are retracted, the labial bone thickness at the midroot level (MxL2) and at apical level (MxL3) increased during upper incisor retraction. There was a significant reduction in alveolar bone thickness on the lingual/palatal side after maxillary and mandibular incisor retraction.
When tooth movement is limited, forcing the tooth against the cortical bone may cause adverse sequelae. This type of approach must be carefully monitored to avoid negative iatrogenic effects.
How to cite this article
Dhanani D, Shivaprakash G. Cephalometric Evaluation of Alveolar Bone Remodeling following Anterior Teeth Retraction. CODS J Dent 2016;8(1):21-24.
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