Citation Information :
Yadav S, Bharath K, Shruthi A. Occurrence of Dental Abnormalities in Hemophilic Patients in the City of Davangere, Karnataka, India. CODS J Dent 2016; 8 (1):1-5.
This study was carried out to determine the level of awareness about the importance of oral health in hemophilic children and their caretakers as well as to examine the oral condition in children with hemophilia and compare them to general population.
Materials and methods
A descriptive cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the city of Davangere. The study consists of total 100 children which were divided into group I —children having hemophilia (n = 50) and group II—normal healthy children (n = 50) of age 3 to 18 years. The oral cavity of both the groups was examined to assess to detect presence of any hard and soft tissue anomalies. By interviewing the parents of hemophilic patients, their demographic data, family history, and knowledge and understanding of value of oral health were assessed. Data were analyzed by chi-square and student’s unpaired t-test.
No significant difference in the presence of oral anomalies in both the groups was observed.
The study concluded that there is no major difference in the prevalence of dental abnormalities in hemophilic and healthy children. Also, educating the mass about oral health and maintenance is as important as treating the hemophilic patient for oral diseases.
How to cite this article
Nagaveni NB, Yadav S, Poornima P, Bharath KP, Mathew MG, Shruthi AS. Occurrence of Dental Abnormalities in Hemophilic Patients in the City of Davangere, Karnataka, India. CODS J Dent 2016;8(1):1-5.
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