An In Vitro Comparison of 5% Potassium Nitrate and 8% Proargin Desensitizing Toothpaste: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study
E Neethu Krishna, Shobha Prakash
Citation Information :
Krishna EN, Prakash S. An In Vitro Comparison of 5% Potassium Nitrate and 8% Proargin Desensitizing Toothpaste: A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study. CODS J Dent 2021; 13 (2):47-50.
Aim: This study is an in vitro comparison of 5% potassium nitrate and 8% arginine that have been applied in the treatment of dentinal hypersensitivity and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to evaluate and compare changes in tubule dimensions after the application of the desensitizing agents.
Materials and methods: A total of 24 disk-shaped dentin specimens were dissected from extracted premolars and molars. Dentin disks of 1 mm were obtained with the help of diamond disks. Eight specimens were randomly selected and allocated to the evaluation groups I (control group), II (5% potassium nitrate), and III (proargin). Each treatment group dentin disk specimen was treated with the respective toothpaste for 2 minutes for a period of 14 days. Each disk was subjected to a pre- and post-treatment SEM analysis to evaluate the changes occurring in the dentinal tubules.
Results: The desensitizing toothpastes showed both complete and partial occlusion of dentinal tubules. There was a statistical significant difference between groups II and III, groups III and I, and groups I and II (p-value < 0.005).
Conclusion: It was concluded that the two desensitizing agents were effective in the dentin tubule occlusion. In addition, efficacy of proargin toothpaste was greater compared to the 5% potassium nitrate containing toothpaste.
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