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VOLUME 12 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Leaf-like Traumatic Fibroma in a Dentate Patient: An Unusual Case

Luiz HA Nascimento, Tiago N Pinheiro, Joel M Junior, Gustavo C Albuquerque, Marcelo V de Oliveira, Valber B Martins

Keywords : Leaf-like fibroma, Palate, Wounds and injuries

Citation Information : Nascimento LH, Pinheiro TN, Junior JM, Albuquerque GC, de Oliveira MV, Martins VB. Leaf-like Traumatic Fibroma in a Dentate Patient: An Unusual Case. CODS J Dent 2020; 12 (2):45-47.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10063-0057

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 16-04-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


The leaf-like traumatic fibroma (LTF) is a benign fibrous lesion of the connective tissue. Its clinical characteristics feature a flattened pedicle aspect, adapting well to the palate, resembling a leaf. Its color is usually pink, similar to the adjacent epithelium. The growth is slow. The lesion may be larger than 2 cm in diameter. It may be present in the oral cavity for a long time. The LTF is commonly associated with poorly adapted removable complete or partial prostheses which cause a flattening of the lesion against the palate. This report presents an unusual case of an LTF in a dentate patient who did not use any type of prosthesis. Instead, the lesion was related to an injury caused by food trauma, which is an unusual etiology for this type of lesion. We reported the mechanical pressure of the tongue and the action of negative intraoral pressure, as possible modifying agents in causing the characteristic shape of the lesion. Treatment consists of conservative surgical removal since its recurrence is rare.

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