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Kumari RA, Vishwas MS. To compare the Incidence of Dentinal Cracks after Instrumentation with Rotary, Reciprocating Twisted File Adaptive System. CODS J Dent 2016; 8 (2):100-103.
Aim: To compare the incidence of dentinal cracks after instrumentation with rotary, reciprocating Twisted File Adaptive (TFA) system using stereomicroscope.
Materials and methods: Forty single-rooted human teeth with mature apices were collected. Ten teeth were left as the control group and 30 teeth were divided into three groups: group I— ProTaper Next file, group II—WaveOne file, and group III—TFA. For standardization, apical enlargement of all teeth was done till 25 tip size. WaveOne file—size of 0.25/0.08; ProTaper Next— Sx, X1 (17/0.4), and X2 (25/0.06) TFA—ML1 (20/0.04), ML2 (25/0.06). Canals were irrigated with 5.25% NaOCl and saline. All the roots were horizontally sectioned at 3, 6, and 9 mm from the apex with a low-speed disk under water spray. The slices were viewed under stereomicroscope at 25× magnification.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference among the three file systems. Overall, ProTaper Next produced the most complete microcracks and WaveOne produced incomplete microcracks. The TFA system caused less root microcracks than the other groups.
Conclusion: Under the study limitations, there was no significant difference among the three file systems. The TFA system caused less root microcracks than the ProTaper Next and WaveOne groups.
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