Evaluation of Force Decay of Elastomeric Ligatures in Simulated Oral Environment
Gajendra Bhansali, Mala R Manohar
Keywords :
Decay, Elastomeric ligatures, Force
Citation Information :
Bhansali G, Manohar MR. Evaluation of Force Decay of Elastomeric Ligatures in Simulated Oral Environment. CODS J Dent 2016; 8 (2):74-77.
Aim: The aim is to assess the amount of force decay of the elastomeric ligatures at a constant distance at different time intervals in a simulated oral environment.
Materials and methods: The elastomeric ligatures were obtained from 3M Unitek. Totally, 100 elastomeric ligatures obtained were stretched to twice their outer diameter to study the force degradation pattern under static conditions over a period of 6 weeks in a simulated oral environment. The values obtained were statistically analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Materials and methods: The elastomeric ligatures were obtained from 3M Unitek. Totally, 100 elastomeric ligatures obtained were stretched to twice their outer diameter to study the force degradation pattern under static conditions over a period of 6 weeks in a simulated oral environment. The values obtained were statistically analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Conclusion: Elastomeric ligatures exert clinically significant force levels over a period of 4 weeks necessary for tooth movement. A monthly activation schedule is recommended.
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