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Prakash S, Chandra BG, Walavalkar NN, Praveen N. Comparison of Diode Laser and Scalpel Techniques in the Treatment of Gingival Melanin Hyperpigmentation. CODS J Dent 2016; 8 (2):64-69.
Introduction: Although clinical melanin pigmentation does not present itself as a medical problem or a disease entity, “black gums” is a major esthetic complaint for many people, who often request cosmetic corrections. Depigmentation of melanin hyperpigmented gingiva can be carried out using many procedures, of which lasers are a new addition. This study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of conventional scalpel scraping and diode laser for the treatment of gingival melanin hyperpigmentation.
Materials and methods: A total of 14 patients in the age group between 15 and 30 years were selected for a randomized split mouth depigmentation procedure using scalpel scraping (group I) and diode laser (group II). Parameters evaluated were recurrence of pigmentation using Dummett index 1964, and plaque index and gingival index at 1 week, and 1, 3, and 6 months. Mann–Whitney U test was used to analyze statistical significance between different variables.
Results: There was no statistical significance in plaque and gingival index in both the groups. At 6 months in group I, repigmentation was seen in 10 patients and in group II, repigmentation was seen in 8 patients.
Conclusion: Although both treatment modalities are highly effective depigmentation procedures, giving excellent esthetics results, scalpel remains the gold standard because of its convenience and cost-effectiveness. However, by adhering to safety measures, the diode laser can also be used to remove gingival pigmentation efficiently.
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