In the search for alternative and esthetic restorative materials, many all-ceramic systems have been introduced for the general practitioner. They are used as veneers, inlays/onlays, crowns, and as enamel/dentin bonded partial or total coverage without macroretention. This article describes a classification of the different commercial all-ceramic systems and gives a review of their clinical durability. The primary changes in the field were the proliferation of zirconia-based frameworks and computer-aided fabrication of prostheses, as well as, a trend toward more clinically relevant in vitro test methods. Newer reinforced ceramics showed better durability then the earlier fired ceramic reconstructions. This report includes an overview of ceramic fabrication methods, suggestions for critical assessment of material property data.
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Strength and fracture toughness of MgO-modified glass infiltrated alumina for CAD/CAM. Dent Mater 2002; 18(3):216-20.
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Esthetic improvements and in vitro testing of ln-Ceram Alumina and Spinell ceramic. Int JProsthodont 1997;10(5):459-66.
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Resistance to staining, flexural strength, and chemical solubility of core porcelains for all-ceramic crowns. Int J Prosthodont 2001; 14(3):284-8.
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McLaren, DDS, MDC, and Lu Hyo, MDC. Inside Dentistry November-December 2006, Volume 2, Issue 9