Prosthetic Rehabiliation Of Hemimandibulectomy Patient - A Rare Case Report
Manasali Bheema Setty, Nadiger K Ramesh
Citation Information :
Setty MB, Ramesh NK. Prosthetic Rehabiliation Of Hemimandibulectomy Patient - A Rare Case Report. CODS J Dent 2012; 4 (2):24-27.
Segmental resection of the mandible and commandos procedures involve extensive loss of hard and soft tissues, resulting in deviation of the mandible to the defective side and impairment in swallowing, speech, mastication and saliva control due to loss of sensory and motor innervations. Prosthodontic rehabilitation mainly aims the mandibular deviation and “improve the masticatory efficiency. This clinical report describes the use of maxillary occlusal ramps which provide support for the mandibular fragment in the acquired position and help to stabilize the dentures thus improving the masticatory efficiency in edentulous mandibulectomy patients.