Citation Information :
El Idrissi ZE, Soualhi H, El Yamani A. Ceramic Cantilever Resin-bonded Bridge: An Alternative to the Supra-implant Prosthesis? A Case Report. CODS J Dent 2023; 15 (1):24-26.
Restoring anterior single-tooth edentulism is often a challenge in terms of biological and esthetic integration. The use of bonded bridges is an old therapeutic but still represents an attractive biological and biomechanical alternative, particularly for adolescents, where the principle of tissue conservation is a major consideration (in order to reduce the need for prosthetic interventions in the long term). When considering this option, several conditions must be respected such as the occlusal diagram, the restoration materials and the type of preparation.
The aim of this paper is to provide a case report on the fabrication of a cantilevered glass-ceramic bridge without preparation in a teenage patient.
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