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VOLUME 14 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2022 ) > List of Articles


Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability of Two Bioactive Root Canal Sealers, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, and BioRoot Root Canal Sealer: An In Vitro Study

Emmanuel Samson, Lata B Gangurde, Jaiprakash R Rathod, Pradnya S Jadhav, Sangeeta Ambhore, Pranav S Jadhav

Keywords : BioRoot-RCS, MTA, MTT assay, Scanning electron microscope

Citation Information : Samson E, Gangurde LB, Rathod JR, Jadhav PS, Ambhore S, Jadhav PS. Cytotoxicity and Cell Viability of Two Bioactive Root Canal Sealers, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, and BioRoot Root Canal Sealer: An In Vitro Study. CODS J Dent 2022; 14 (2):57-60.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10063-0139

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 03-10-2023

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; The Author(s).


Aim: The aim of this study is to perform a comparative assessment of cytotoxicity and cell viability of two bioactive root canal sealers (RCS), mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and BioRoot-RCS. Materials and methods: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and BioRoot-RCS are based on calcium silicate composition, MTA sealer (Brasselers, Savannah, Georgia, United States of America) is a premixed injectable material based on calcium silicate, BioRoot-RCS (Septodont, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France). Powder: Tricalcium silicate zirconium oxide and povidine. Liquid, water, calcium chloride, and polycarboxylate. Cytotoxicity of these two bioactive sealers was assessed by Metabolic Activity Assay (MTT) reduction test, where human gingival fibroblast (HGF) where used; this method enables determination of cell viability and proliferation on the basis of mitochondrial activity of succinate dehydrogenase, days 1–7 were studied, while the cell viability (survival percentage) was measured on 1, 3, 5, and 7 days. Result: The result between the two BioRoot-RCS showed higher cell viability or fibroblastic survival percentage and low cytotoxicity for BioRoot-RCS in comparison with MTA-RCS. Conclusion: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and BioRoot-RCS both show moderate cytotoxicity. However, BioRoot-RCS is considered the most compatible root canal sealer showing a higher percentage of cell viability as compared to MTA.

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