In recent years, laser technology is receiving more and more important role in modern dentistry. Recently, even in fields of orthodontics, laser technology was proposed. The use of the laser related to orthodontic treatment offers several advantages when compared with conventional methods. An increased focus on personal esthetics in orthodontics has taken hold. Laser technology has risen to forefront of adjunct care. Laser technology has created the opportunity for the most esthetic result possible in conjunction with orthodontic treatment. Laser technique now is widely applied in orthodontic treatment and proved to have many benefits. Soft tissue lasers can be used to perform gingivectomy, frenectomy, and surgical exposure of tooth with less bleeding and swelling, improved precision, reduced pain, and less wound contraction. Other laser applications include enamel etching and bonding and bracket debonding. Lower level lasers have the potential effects of pain control and accelerating tooth movement. Clinicians must be aware of the safety issues and risks associated with laser and receive proper training before the laser treatment is started. In this study we compile all the possible data for the sake of convenience and highlighting all the uses of laser technology in the various branches of orthodontics.
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