Furcation Involvement Classifications: A Critical Appraisal and Proposal for a New System
Rejina Shrestha
Citation Information :
Shrestha R. Furcation Involvement Classifications: A Critical Appraisal and Proposal for a New System. CODS J Dent 2021; 13 (1):11-17.
Aim and objective: This article aims to emphasize the use of a new classification system with a review of the classification systems devised in the past along with their limitations.
Background: There is a lack of universal acceptance of single classification system for furcation involvement due to certain limitations and drawbacks. So, there is a need for a new approach to address the lacuna in the present classification systems. A thorough literature search was done in Medline/PubMed and Google Scholar to incorporate all the classification systems which have been proposed previously.
Review results: Different classifications have been proposed over different eras, the classification given by Glickman being the most common one. The proposed system is based on the site-specific clinical presentation of the furcation defects and takes into consideration the horizontal and vertical components of furcation as well as its exposure.
Conclusion: The present classification has been underscored which is entirely clinical in nature, avoiding the need for anaesthesia, radiographs and open surgeries. This simple and convenient system will assist the clinical practitioners to record the furcation invasion and aid to visualize the clinical picture of the involved tooth.
Clinical significance: This simple and convenient system will assist the clinical practitioners to record the furcation invasion and aid to visualize the clinical picture of the involved tooth.
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