VOLUME 11 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2019 ) > List of Articles
Gauri B Nayak, Sheetal Mali, Joel Devaraj, Neha Pol, Akshay Punjabi
Citation Information : Nayak GB, Mali S, Devaraj J, Pol N, Punjabi A. Three-rooted Mandibular Molars—An Endodontic Enigma: A Case Series. CODS J Dent 2019; 11 (1):19-23.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10063-0049
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 11-01-2021
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).
The success of an endodontic treatment depends upon good chemomechanical preparation of the root canals before filling it an obturating material to form a hermetic seal.1 Knowledge and understanding of the presence of unusual root canal anatomy contributes to the successful outcome of the treatment. Mandibular first molar is the first permanent tooth to erupt in oral cavity and thus displays several anatomical variations.1 Radix entomolaris (RE) means presence of an additional root, which is found distolingually in permanent first mandibular molar. It was first described by Carabelli and can also be found in the second and third mandibular molars.2 The prevalence of RE is highest among the population of Chinese, Taiwanese, and Koreans and is considered to be an eumorphic root morphology among them. It is not very common in the population of African, Eurasia, Caucasian, and Indian population and is said to be a dysmorphic.3 This case report describes a series of mandibular molars with radix entomolaris root.