Citation Information :
Shivanna V, Dixit K. Comparative Evaluation of Debris Extruded Apically by Different File Systems during Retreatment of Root Canals with or without Use of Solvent. CODS J Dent 2018; 10 (2):35-38.
Objectives: To evaluate the apical extrusion of debris during removal of the root canal filling material by H-files, ProTaper retreatment (PTR) files, and Mtwo retreatment (MtwoR) files with and without the use of a solvent. Materials and methods: Ninety extracted human mandibular premolar teeth were used. All the teeth were prepared with ProTaper universal files (Dentsply Maillefer) up to size F3 and obturated using a F3 gutta-percha cone with an AH 26 sealer. After 1 week, the teeth were divided into three groups based on the retreatment file systems used. Each group was divided into subgroups I and II based on whether a solvent was used or not, group IA (H-file with solvent); group IB (H-file without solvent); group IIA (PTR with solvent); group IIB (PTR without solvent); group IIIA (MtwoR with solvent); group IIIB (Mtwo without solvent), and the retreatment procedure was carried out. The debris extruded was collected in Eppendorf tubes and the mean weight of debris extruded was measured. Data were analyzed using the t test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The MtwoR files resulted in less debris extrusion followed by the PTR files and then the H-files with significant difference between all the groups. Irrespective of the file system used, the use of a solvent resulted in significantly less debris extrusion. Conclusion: None of the file systems could avoid apical extrusion of debris during retreatment but the MtwoR files produced significantly less debris extrusion compared to the other two groups. The use of a solvent significantly reduced debris extrusion. Clinical significance: Postoperative complications after endodontic retreatment vary with the type of file system used and also with the use of a solvent.
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